Nagging Vs Teaching

Some ideas from the book ”Big Ideas for Curious Mind” Nagging is like very bad teaching. You are a teacher whenever you help someone else understand something. Remember that if you are being nagged, someone is just trying to teach you something – and remember too, that if you want to explain something to someone it’s better to teach than nag. If you want to get other people to do things we have to explain properly what we want. We have to get them to see for themselves why it is such a good idea. *** I thought that was...

Bird Watching

A lovely friend invited me to go on a trip for bird watching! Even though I am not a ‘’bird person’’ and had no idea of what to expect I said yes because this friend is someone I admire so much, and I always love her ideas and interests! We went to Tiritiri Matangi Island, a predator-free island, and I have learned so much! In the beginning, she taught me how to use binoculars (I always wanted to have one!), it can look like something straightforward, but like everything, it needs practice! We spent our early mornings walking in a...

Atomic Habits

Last year I also read a book called ”Atomic Habits” by James Clear. It had so much impact on my life! I will make more posts about the book but just to start, here are some quotes from the few first chapters ”We all deal with setbacks but in the long run, the quality of our lives often depends on the quality of our habits. With the same habits, you will end up with the same results. But with better habits, anything is possible.” ”Too often we convince ourselves that massive success requires massive actions.” ”The effects of your habits...

Sometimes people are just unhappy, not mean…

This is from another book I have read last year: ‘’Big Ideas for Curious Minds – An Introduction to Philosophy’’, from the School of Life – -. The book is designed for children so it just made me love the book even more! One of the ideas discussed in the book is that people are unhappy, not mean. The central idea is that no one who is really happy want to make another person unhappy and also that people who are actually strong and confident are almost always gentle and kind to others. Reflections from the book: If someone...

The Hygge Manifesto

A friend of mine told me about this book: “The little book of Hygge – The Danish was to live well’’. Here is what I loved about this new concept I came across: Hygge has been called everything from ‘the art of creating intimacy’’, ‘’coziness of the soul’’ and ‘’absence of annoyance’’ to ‘’taking pleasure from the presence of shooting things’’. In a clear way, it can be understood as wellbeing, a feeling of home and being with the people we love. The Happiness Research Institute shows that the key to understanding high levels of well-being in Denmark is the...

Blog and Newsletter

I  do enjoy knowing what is happening in the world through people`s experiences and perceptions and I have found that blogs and newsletters fulfil a huge part of my desire to be connected and informed. I don’t have TV, and I avoid checking the news on the internet – even in a pandemic world where there are ”XX new cases every day” kind of thing. I can’t say that all newspapers are bad, but from my point of view, they prioritize scandals, and we start to see so much of the tragedy of the world, especially with politicians and violence,...