A lovely friend invited me to go on a trip for bird watching! Even though I am not a ‘’bird person’’ and had no idea of what to expect I said yes because this friend is someone I admire so much, and I always love her ideas and interests!
We went to Tiritiri Matangi Island, a predator-free island, and I have learned so much! In the beginning, she taught me how to use binoculars (I always wanted to have one!), it can look like something straightforward, but like everything, it needs practice!
We spent our early mornings walking in a tranquil but attentive way so we potentially could see and listen to the birds! In 03 days, a whole new world open up to me: the species, how to identify the differences between males and females, the sounds, their habits, where to find and how to find (we even saw a Kiwi and Blue Pinguin during a night walk).
It was such a mindfulness activity, you need to be silent, present and when you finally see the birds and the way they are, you can’t think about anything else.
I saw an owl for the first time in my life! I see birds singing to each other, feeding each other, playing and it made me feel love for them!
I came back from this trip loving even more nature and with my mind a little bit more open to trying new things!

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